Healthy Living in the Big City

uncomfortable side effects with ketosis

Many of you are familiar with the requirement of achieving continuous ketosis at levels over 2 mmol/L to benefit from a ketogenic diet. Although attaining these levels is common, and some individuals even exceed them significantly, entering and maintaining ketosis can pose challenges, including a range of uncomfortable side effects with ketosis for some. These […]

Top 5 common questions about carnivore diet

It is happening, carnivore diet is becoming popular, especially with people who are looking to reverse chronic disease. As a result, there are many questions that surface.  Here are the top 5 common questions about carnivore diet: The best thing about fiber is that you don’t need it.  Your gut microbiome will adjust to the new way […]

lipoma surprise took me to poland for surgery

The extra bump on my elbow wasn’t a lipoma after all. It turned out to be a damaged synovial bursa. SURGERY While on vacation in Poland I went to a clinic to have it checked out. The surgeon was fantastic so if you are around Wielczka and need a surgery, check them out: Gabiney Vitars: […]


Evolutionary appropriate diet is the foundation of health and longevity. However, in my coaching practice, quite often I get clients who expect me to recommend supplementation along with the diet. I am not against supplementing, I think it has its place in the healthy lifestyle, diet, and nutrition, but too much of a good thing – […]


I went on the carnivore diet and reversed Rheumatoid Arthritis – 2 years later. At first, I thought the idea was ridiculous because it went against what I believed to be healthy. I was desperate though, so I was willing to try anything. GUT PERMABILTY  I always considered myself health conscious, and did every diet […]


When to stop eating dairy? If you are on carnivore diet, you already eliminated so many different food groups. And if you are still haven’t achieved optimal health, you may have to eliminate one more food group: dairy.   Here are five circumstances you may want to consider cutting out dairy from your diet (carnivore or […]


Why healthy unhealthy vegan choices? I’m planning to stay carnivore for most of my life with some fruit in it, in season. That said, I understand carnivore diet isn’t appealing or needed for everybody. However, today’s omnivore diet is a far cry from what our grandparents used to eat, and frankly Veganism and this never-ending push […]


People in my circle always knew I was a sort of health nut but even I made mistakes going from vegetarian to vegan to carnivore. As far as I can remember, I was looking for the best strategies that would lead to overall health and longevity. Granted, I made mistakes on my journey, going Vegetarian […]