Managing Mental Shelf Space

Working moms make hundreds of decisions a day that affect the lives of their loved ones and those at work. Too many decisions, too early in the day can negatively affect the rest of it. It will make you less productive and drained by the time 6 o’clock rolls around. Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs figured that out and developed processes to eliminate decision fatigue; for example, they are known to reduce their wardrobes to a couple of outfits prepared in advance.

Myself, I do a few things:

  • To-Do lists, both business and personal, are put together a day earlier.  When I show up at work my “to-do” is waiting for me and I am ready to get things done. 
  • I start my morning with meditation or affirmation. I generally wake up before my son, so I sit down in my walk-in closet (New Yorkers will understand, Manhattan apartments are very small) and meditate until my son wakes up. Meditation effects many things, but for the purposes of this post, it sharpens your mind, eliminates unnecessary thoughts, and gives your day clarity and focus. Definitely give it a try, even if it’s a few minutes. 
  • To minimize decision making in the morning, I prepare my wardrobe for a week, typically on the weekends. I place the pieces on my weekly rack and have a working box of jewelry for the week as well. My outfit combos approximate the capsule wardrobes.
  • My make-up is minimal and focuses on highlighting my eyes only. I don’t use foundation, blushes, or lipsticks. I stopped using them some years ago because of all the chemicals that you massage into your skin. And this too reduces the amount of time and effort in front of the mirror.
  • I don’t eat breakfast (as I follow an intermittent fasting schedule) or drink fancy coffees (I used to love them). These days it’s warm water with lemon, and black coffee on occasion.
  • No news in the morning. It is too sensational and focuses on negative events. Instead, when I head out to my office, I put on podcasts about the latest discoveries in the field of health and nutrition.

Working moms, a great morning routine free of unnecessary decision making, gives you back time to enjoy with your child, lowers stress, and saves your mental energy for decision making that matters. 

Big City Mom

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