What Is PEG 400 (polyethylene glycol 400)?

PEG 400 (polyethylene glycol 400) is mixture of 11 different molecular sizes of glycol – family of alcohols. 

It doesn’t get broken by the body; however, it can pass through the gut wall with varying degrees of ease.  

HOW IS PEG 400 (polyethylene glycol 400) USED?

My test results showed that medium size molecules of glycol passed through my gut wall and then were recovered in urine. 

The test allows to diagnose the levels of gut permeability (leaky gut). 


Because I am based in NYC and the clinic, I worked with is in Hungary, I had to take extra steps to get it done. 

The PEG400 kit arrived couple weeks after I requested it.  It gets done in the following way:

  • Empty your bladder first thing in the morning and right after drinking the PEG400 solution. Then follow it up with a cup of water.
  • For the next six hours you need to only drink water and not don’t eat anything.  
  • All urine needs to be collected during the six-hour period.
  • At the end of the six-hour period, all urine needs to be mixed, the amount of it has to be noted, and a sample taken in the cup provided in the kit. 
  • It then gets shipped to the laboratory in Hungary.
  • The results will be provided by email. 


The cost of the test is around $350 including shipping (shipping alone is about $130 because it must be sent as “specimen”).


Even though, I long suspected that my diet and gut had something to do with my Rheumatoid Arthritis, this test provided me with much needed clarity and sense of direction. 

Big City Mom 

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